
Golf Tips - On Course Behaviour

When it comes down to it, it is both amazing and completely unsurprising that golf accidents are something of a rarity. 

On one hand, the sport involves small dense hard balls being smacked as hard as possible off into the distance which would seem like a recipe for injury and disaster, and yet on the other the courses are so big and empty that the chances of hitting anyone in such a large area should always be remote. As such, the results are predictable: golf accidents are rare, but have been known to happen - and a golf ball travelling at high velocity has been known to kill people. For this reason alone, you should at least be aware of public safety on golf courses.

Keep tabs on those in front of you
As the person with the club in your hands, it is your responsibility to have a good look around you, and make sure that the fairway is clear ready for your drive. Obviously make sure everyone is stood well back when you take your swing - and take extra care if you are playing with children who are less aware of golf health and safety as well as often being unpredictable in their behaviour.

Look to the left and right of where you are aiming - although we all like to consider ourselves budding Tiger Woods when out on the course, the reality is a miss-hit or an unpredictable gust of wind can easily take your ball of course, so ensure that these nearby areas are clear too, to prevent golf accidents.

Shout "fore" and listen for others doing the same!
But what if you notice someone on the fairway ahead that bit too late? What if they were obscured by a tree or you let your concentration down and forgot to check thoroughly. There is one answer - a universal language of golf, and a cliche its own right. 

You shout "Fore!" with all your might. Some say this term dates back from the 1700s, but even if it does not - everyone in golf knows what it means - Watch out! It is the universal language for protecting public safety on golf courses!

If you hear someone shouting this, you should not try and see where the ball is coming from. As I mentioned earlier, the odds of someone getting hit by such a small object are tiny, but do not push your luck by making yourself into a bigger target. Crouch, hide behind a tree or your cart and cover your head with your hands. 

The secret is to make yourself small to reduce the chances of being hit, and protect your head, because that is where real damage can occur.

Control your frustrations
This one is easier said than done for some of the golfers out there, but relax - enjoy yourself and do not allow yourself to be riled. That frustration can lead to carelessness, and worse - aggressive behaviour. 

If that group in front of you is taking an age to move onto the next hole, do not even think about firing a warning golf ball at them - that is a golf accident waiting to happen! 

Just take a breath, and enjoy the scenery and the sunshine - if there is any.

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